On Hair...
1) What is your "Hair Anthem"?
Unpredictable by Jamie Foxx
2) What are three words to describe your hair?
I would have to say thick, bold, and beautiful.
3) What is your favorite hairstyle to rock?
I would have to say the twist/braid out and the puff, they are my go-to's.

Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize...protective styling, oh yeah did I say moisturize? Lol. I co-wash just about every day except when I am being lazy. I try to eat healthy and also incorporate large quantities into my diet.
5) What is the best part about having textured hair?
Definitely the versatility.
6) How long have you been natural and what made you go natural?
I've been natural about 17 months. I decided to go natural after I realized that it was pointless to relax my hair. I am an islander and I could never find the right hairdresser. My hair would become dry with no movement soon after my relaxer application I decided to cut and color...which was more so out of frustration. My hair began to shed profusely and had stopped growing in length. That's when I put my foots down and said no more, I put some thought into the whole transition and decided to make it a reality in the new year 2011, it was there that I realized that health was a key part in growing and retaining length, ever since then I have been in love with my curly, coily, wave mane and I've never regretted the decision!
7) What is the most unexpected thing you have experienced with your hair?
I'd have to sat TEXTURE! That was the one thing that never crossed my mind, that I would be dealing with multiple textures and although it gets frustating at times I have learned different ways to deal with it. The front of my hair is like a loose wave and the back and nape is a mix between curls and coils which makes it difficult to have the perfect wash ans go {sigh}.
On Fashion and Beauty...

Lip gloss/balm. My lips are the kind that can't go on without being unnoticed so it is essential that they are mositureized.
9) Name three things that are always in your purse?
Lip gloss, gum, and money (pocket change lol).
10) Favorite bag and shoes?
Bag? I am not really a fan but I do like wedge heels even though I don't wear them often.
11) What is your favorite fashion trend of 2012?
Animal Print.
12) Anything else you want to add?
Thanks for having me on your blog. Your awesome *wink wink*!
And there you have it! Lily!
If you would like to be featured in the Tuesday Chic Spotlight series please send an e-mail to admin@allrelevantthings.com
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